User pa0902do

Member for: 3 years (since Sep 2, 2021)
Type: Registered user
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Job Title: If you were to read a catalog of features and settings for a personal e-stim device, the list would be very long, ranging from relaxation massage all the way to explosive strength. While, technically, different settings will have unique stimulation protocols from the device programming in the [url=]electrostimulation center[/url], the reality is that only three purposes exist with EMS and the research is enough to form a realistic expectation. The three EMS benefits are strength training, rehabilitation, and a little regeneration. Distilling the benefits more, you can make an argument that EMS helps with general muscle strength and facilitates low-level recovery for travel. That’s about it, but it’s enough to warrant investing in it, especially when sport moves into the unfortunate health compromise for winning.
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Activity by pa0902do

Score: 260 points (ranked #42)
Questions: 8
Answers: 0
Comments: 0
Voted on: 0 questions, 0 answers
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