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Manufacturing and development of a bolted GFRP flange joint for oil and gas applications

The manufacturing industry saw a significant rebound, and oil prices started to recover as well. Both of these trends are expected to continue in 2017.

At Allied Valve, we also saw some big changes this year. We expanded our product line to include Masoneilan control valves, CDC rupture discs, and Groth relief valves and flame arresters. We also beefed up our service capabilities with a new Mobile Lab trailer and new control valve testing systems.

Finally, we continued our initiative to bring you valuable content related to valves, actuators, and the many industries we serve. Here are our top 5 industrial valve articles of 2016.

Maximizing Your Control Valve Performance: A Guide to Control Valve Selection, Maintenance, and Repair

Process plants can contain thousands of control valves, responsible for keeping process variables like flow, level, pressure, and temperature within the desired operating range. Despite their importance to product quality, efficiency, and a company’s bottom line, control valves are often neglected. This article provides an in-depth look at the factors that affect control valve performance and how to keep your valves always working their best.

It came to our attention earlier this year that some safety valves containing Thermodiscs (e.g., Consolidated 1811 and Consolidated 1711 series) were being put through hydrostatic testing. These valve parts are designed for steam service only and water can cause damage, potentially beyond repair. This article describes the problems that hydrostatic testing can cause and what you can do to mitigate these problems.

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