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in Marketing News by (300 points)

When you hear the word ozone, you probably think of the layer in the sky above us that helps filter out ultraviolet radiation from the sun. But it is also a molecule used in some air purifiers because it effectively reacts with and eliminates strong odors and airborne chemicals. The ozone can naturally turn a bad smell into a good one. But before you buy an air purifier or generator that uses ozone technology – you should understand what you’re considering and know the dangers.

When Buying an Air Purifier, What do I Need to Look Out for to Avoid Ozone?

Air purifiers are great ways to rid your home of all kinds of airborne particles – everything from mold to pet dander to pollen. You should always look for an air purifier that uses a HEPA filter. HEPA filters take the smallest of particles out of the air and keep them from reproducing. A high-performing purifier can help improve the air quality in your home for you, your family, and your pets.

When looking for an air purifier for your home or office, steer clear of HEPA/ionic air purifiers with built-in ozone-generating devices. These purifiers use electrostatic plates as their primary means of filtration and incorporate ozone to remove odors and freshen the air. If the purifier uses ozone technology, it will often be displayed prominently on the box or in the description. Still, it’s essential to read as much information as you can about the product to ensure you aren’t getting one that uses ozone. Manufacturers will sometimes use words or phrases like “activated oxygen,” “super oxygenated,” or “energized oxygen” in their description to imply healthy oxygen. Still, they are, in essence, just other ways to describe ozone technology.

Alcohol sprayers are a type of automated equipment pioneered in the field of hand disinfection. This smart alcohol sprayer is used most in hospitals where there are the most bacteria and pathogens. In addition, alcohol sprayers are also equipped in places such as schools, food processing facilities, restaurants, etc. The smart alcohol nebulizer is considered an assistive device for the Healthcare industry. Not only that, but they also help us prevent infectious diseases caused by cross-contamination.

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