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in Marketing News by (300 points)

For bench cutting in marble quarries in India, diamond wire saw (DWS) machines are mainly used. The cutting performance of the DWS machine, or diamond cutting tools depends on non-controllable parameters related to rock characteristics and controllable parameters related to machine and other operational aspects. Cut size area of a bench is one of the operational controllable parameters and it has an important role in the cutting performance of the machine. Dolomitic marble deposits are available in large quantities in India. Thus, this study was undertaken to investigate the effects of bench cut size area on the cutting performance of DWS machines in soft, medium-hard and hard dolomitic marble. The study revealed that cut size of the bench plays a significant role in the performance of the DWS machine. The optimum bench cut size also varies with the nature of marble to be cut. It also depends on the types of cuts to be made in the marble such as vertical, vertical strand and horizontal. The results of this study can also be applied to other types of marble and they will also be of use to the operators of stone quarry machine.

Raw Stone Processing

Stones exploited from mines by rock driller with irregular form and rough section are called raw stones, which can not be applied in plate processing immediately. At present, raw stone in China mainly involves marble and granite. With the development of technology, the old way of shaping stones by labor is outdated.

Diamond saw blade used to process raw stones usually owns a large circular saw blade, on which diamond grits are inserted. Owning to its flexible property, diamond wire saw blade can be used to process ultra-hard stones. However, its diameter is usually large, and its height is twice the stones to be processed together with the diameter of Flange. It is not easy to produce diamond saw blade with too large diameter. Therefore, diamond saw blade is unsuitable to process oversize plates.

Comparatively, diamond wire saw not only owns the flexibility of ropes, but also owns rigidity of diamond. Moreover, they are not limited by length. Due to those features, diamond wire saws are almost applicable to cut any large objects. It has many advantages, such as short time preparation, strong flexibility, high efficiency, energy saving, etc, which make diamond wire saws popular in stone mining and stone processing.

Plate Cutting

When processing stones, plate cutting is a quite important step. Usually diamond saw blades are used to cut plates. But in this situation, the size of plates is relatively small. One diamond wire saw is able to cut large plates and ultra-large plates, and is not restrained by the thickness of stones. However, compared with diamond frame saws containing several tens or a few hundreds saws, diamond wire saw is neither efficient nor cost-effective. Consequently, diamond wire saws are used when plates are too thick or their amount is small. With the development of technology, combined diamond quarry wire saws are went out. Combined diamond wire saws can be applied in cutting marble and granite plates when changing different beads or linear velocity of diamond wire saws.

Irregular Stones Processing

Irregular stones refer to all special-shaped stones except sheet and block stones, and include many types, such as pillars and arches. Nowadays, people’s demands are much stricter, so it is with irregular stones processing. In the course of irregular stones processing, diamond wire saws and diamond saw blades are used. Owing to its high linear velocity, diamond wire saws could shift curve type and arc type, and can be widely applied in processing parquet and curved sides.

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